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How cleaning product chemicals called ‘quats’ may affect the brain

A common ingredient in household disinfectants has been shown in lab studies to affect certain brain cells

April 25, 2024 at 7:05 a.m. EDT
An illustration of a person cleaning a table with cleaning supplies. Their head is a misshapen technicolored bubble, with smaller bubbles floating around them.
(Illustration by George Wylesol for The Washington Post)
6 min

The pandemic ushered in a cleaning frenzy at home, schools and work as many of us sprayed, wiped and disinfected our way through the crisis.

But widespread use of disinfectants and heavy-duty cleaners has also ushered in new research on “quats” — which stands for quaternary ammonium compounds (sometimes called QACs). Quats are a class of chemicals used in some household cleaners that kill viruses, bacteria and other germs by breaking down cell membranes.