The education of a true believer

Linda Wenhold absorbed Patriot Academy’s message that America is falling apart as it drifts from its biblical roots. Then she won a seat on her local Pennsylvania school board.

March 17, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Linda Wenhold, left, and her twin sister, Brenda Hendricks, prepare for a class at her home in Coopersburg, Pa., on Feb. 5. (Michelle Gustafson for The Washington Post)
18 min

BETHLEHEM, Pa. — Linda Wenhold closed her eyes, bowed her head and offered a prayer. “Lord, let us see that the further we move from biblical truth, the further we move from our liberty and freedom,” she began.

The 60-year-old grandmother stood at the front of a modest stone church in this former steel town just beyond the exurban sprawl of Philadelphia. About a dozen people had turned out on a cold February night for the fourth week of a 10-week course she was leading on the Constitution and America’s Christian roots, one of 500 that were underway at churches and community centers across the country. Radiators clanked. The attendees sipped coffee from foam cups.