The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The house that haunts me

I dream about buying my childhood home. But is it the house I miss — or the people who once lived there with me?

Perspective by
March 11, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
(Illustration by Laura Padilla Castellanos/The Washington Post; Courtesy of Melanie McCabe; iStock)
11 min

My mother’s drive-bys began even before mine.

Twelve years after my father died, my mother remarried and moved into her new husband’s rambler on the other side of town. Shortly after, she sold the house our family had lived in on Vernon Street for 30 years to “an unmarried woman, a lawyer, who works morning to evening. Why would she need a house the size of ours, just to sleep in all by herself?”