Democracy Dies in Darkness

My most dubious resolution: To spend the year reading self-help books

Can self-help help me? There’s only one way to find out.

Review by
January 7, 2024 at 7:30 a.m. EST
(Illustration by Liam Eisenberg for The Washington Post)
6 min

Let me level with you: I could use a little help. Maybe a lot.

Like most people, I eagerly resolve each January to better myself in the year ahead. Like the wisest people, I try to keep those resolutions modest. And like all people, I fail at everything I set out to do. This year, I vowed to buy fewer clothes, which seemed like an attainable goal, especially given that there is no room left in my closet and all too much empty space in my bank account. Unfortunately, I stopped to purchase a pair of pants and two T-shirts while I was writing this paragraph.

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