Democracy Dies in Darkness

U St. neighbors agree it’s ugly. But turn it into a high-rise? No thanks.

February 20, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EST
The nearly two-acre site at 1617 U St. NW, home to a firehouse, parking garage and police station, is seen in the U street neighborhood in D.C. on Feb. 12. (Craig Hudson/For the Washington Post)
10 min

An outdated police station. An equally forgettable fire house. A roofless, two-level parking garage that could have been imported from the suburbs, if not another era.

D.C. officials insist that this sprawling hodgepodge of city-owned real estate on a well-known Washington corridor could be so much more.

Better, certainly. Buzzy, even — a high-rise with sleek public safety facilities, a sparkling public library and scads of apartments, 30 percent of them set aside as affordable.