Democracy Dies in Darkness

A dog is ‘mayor’ in this town. ‘I didn’t take it as a joke,’ says owner.

Only non-humans could be on the ballot in the Idyllwild, an unincorporated community in Riverside County, Calif.

September 29, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
Mayor Max III, the third mayor of Idyllwild, an unincorporated community in Riverside County, Calif. (Phyllis Mueller)
6 min

There’s been nepotism and vote buying in the town of Idyllwild, Calif. The “mayor” sometimes chews up his neckties.

Only pets were allowed on the ballot — which is why the elected leader in this unincorporated community near Palm Springs is a 1-year-old golden retriever named Mayor Max III.

His predecessors were the late Mayor Max II and Mayor Max I, both of whom were golden retrievers from the same blood line.