A Halloween choose-your-own-adventure!

I know you. You hear a spooky tale and say to yourself, “That would never be me! I would never buy that obviously haunted mansion! I would never get off the highway at that clearly cursed exit! I could outwit anything Halloween threw at me!”

Well, below is your chance to prove it. This spooky season, can you escape without incident?

If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!

Yawn! Stretch! You wake up. It is a beautiful October day. And this year, you are going to be completely safe from Halloween! You will do your best to avoid Halloween dangers and pitfalls, won’t you? Now, let’s contemplate your options for today!

Maybe this is the perfect time of year to buy a new house outside the city. Or, wait, you could go on a normal car ride! Or perhaps you should visit Scandinavia! Or open your mail, where you see a mysterious envelope, covered in writing in an unfamiliar hand!

About this story

Illustrations by Michelle Kondrich. Editing by Autumn Brewington, with additional editing by Ryan Vogt and Zainab Mudallal. Design and development by Amanda Shendruk, with additional development by Yan Wu.