The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The big questions for Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook’s role in Burma

Analysis by
April 10, 2018 at 4:24 p.m. EDT
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg sat down before lawmakers on April 10, and apologized, explained and defended the tech giant amid controversies over data privacy. (Video: Jenny Starrs, Bastien Inzaurralde/The Washington Post, Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

Update: During Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's appearance before a joint meeting of two Senate panels on Tuesday, he was asked about his company's alleged role in spreading hate speech against Rohingya Muslims in Burma.

Sen. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) raised the issue of a death threats against a Burmese journalist that spread on Facebook in 2016 and were highlighted by Burmese groups. As an aide held up an example of the threats on a board, Leahy said it took “attempt after attempt after attempt” and the involvement of civil society groups to remove the threats.