The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion A U.S. district judge calls the Supreme Court’s bluff on guns

Associate editor|
July 7, 2023 at 7:04 p.m. EDT
U.S. District Judge Carlton W. Reeves addresses the University of Virginia School of Law in April 2019. (Sanjay Suchak/UVA Communications)
5 min

Lower-court judges are bound to follow the law as decreed by the Supreme Court. They aren’t bound to like it. And so, lost amid the end-of-term flurry at the high court, came another remarkable ruling by U.S. District Judge Carlton W. Reeves of Mississippi.

Reeves declared that the court’s interpretation of the Second Amendment compels the unfortunate conclusion that laws prohibiting felons from having guns violate the Second Amendment. He took a swipe at the conservative justices’ zealous protection of gun rights even as they diminish other constitutional guarantees. And, for good measure, he trashed originalism, now “the dominant mode of constitutional interpretation” of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority. “This Court is not so sure it should be,” Reeves ventured, but the more he wrote about originalism, the more dubious he sounded about it.