Democracy Dies in Darkness

Toxin-secreting hammerhead worms are invading the D.C. area. How to stop them.

The snake-like worms contain a potent neurotoxin and can grow more than 22 inches long.

July 22, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Hammerhead worms are an invasive flatworm from Asia that has been spreading throughout the D.C. area over the last 15 years. (Video: The Washington Post)
5 min

The hammerhead worm immediately stops you in your tracks. The striped flatworm slithers like a snake and resembles a piece of whole-wheat spaghetti, led by its mushroom-shaped head. And it also secretes tetrodotoxin, the same debilitating neurotoxin found in puffer fish.

Last week, one was spotted in Oakton, Va.

More accurately, Peanut, a 6-year-old miniature dachshund, stepped on a 14-inch hammerhead worm. The worm slithered from the grass onto the driveway, stuck to Peanut’s foot, flipped up and entangled itself around Peanut’s hind legs. Then, it broke into multiple pieces. Each piece can function as an independent worm, squirm away and regenerate into more slithering, sticky worms.