The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

At new Gettysburg museum, Ken Burns gets a taste of battle he chronicled

‘Combat’ thunders outside as Civil War filmmaker huddles in a shuttered dining room

March 11, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. EST
Filmmaker Ken Burns takes part in a panel discussion at Adams County Historical Society’s Gettysburg Beyond the Battle Museum during a February preview. The museum opens to the public in April. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
7 min

GETTYSBURG, Pa. — Filmmaker Ken Burns sits at a small table in a shuttered dining room built to re-create the evening of July 1, 1863. Two whale oil lamps cast a dim light. The floor boards shake from the sound of artillery outside.

A coffee cup is overturned on the table. Flashes of light from explosions come through the shutters and illuminate the dark.