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D.C.-area forecast: Lots of heat, humidity and sunshine ahead

On Sunday, we could hit 100 for the first time since 2016

July 20, 2022 at 5:00 a.m. EDT
Forecast highs for Sunday from the National Weather Service. (WeatherBell)
3 min

Today’s daily digit

A somewhat subjective rating of the day’s weather, on a scale of 0 to 10.

5/10: Today’s low 90s and moderate humidity are relatively refreshing compared with what comes next

Express forecast

  • Today: Mostly sunny. Highs: 90 to 94.
  • Tonight: Partly cloudy, muggy. Lows: 72 to 79.
  • Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, p.m. storm chance. Highs: 94 to 98.

Forecast in detail

Summer is starting to sizzle for the Washington area as our longest and strongest spell of hot weather begins. The most uncomfortable conditions aim for Thursday and potentially this weekend. Isolated storms are always possible in this environment, but slightly better chances are expected Thursday and Sunday. However, most days and most times should remain rain-free.