Democracy Dies in Darkness

Using AI to spot edible mushrooms could kill you

AI tools are good for some things, but don’t trust your health to apps that make frequent mistakes

March 18, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Pixilated mushrooms
(Illustration by Elena Lacey/The Washington Post)
4 min

In mushroom foraging, there’s little room for error. Researcher Rick Claypool learned this the hard way.

A few months into his foraging hobby, Claypool picked a basket of what he thought were honey mushrooms, fried them in a pan and ate them with ramen noodles. Then his stomach felt weird.

Fast-forward through some frantic Googling and a trip to the emergency room, Claypool learned he’d been right in the first place — the mushrooms weren’t poisonous. Doctors labeled his symptoms as a panic attack and sent him home.