The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Failure of ALS drug puts a spotlight on controversial FDA approvals

Critics say the Food and Drug Administration has gone too far greenlighting drugs despite concerns about their effectiveness

March 16, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
The FDA headquarters in Silver Spring, Md. The agency has used a flexible approach in recent years to approve drugs for particularly devastating conditions. (Jason Reed/Reuters)
9 min

Justin Klee and Josh Cohen had pulled off an improbable success, turning an idea they hashed out as undergraduates into a drug that aimed to slow one of the world’s most implacable and deadly neurological diseases.

On the strength of a single clinical trial, they’d won U.S. regulatory approval for their drug to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. They expected that a larger trial would cement the effectiveness of their treatment. Instead, the trial showed that their drug, Relyvrio, doesn’t work.