The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The Belarusian railway workers who helped thwart Russia’s attack on Kyiv

A clandestine network of railway workers, hackers and dissident security forces wreaked havoc on supply lines

April 23, 2022 at 5:28 p.m. EDT
In this photo taken from video, Russian military vehicles on a railway platform in Russia are on their way to attend joint military drills in Belarus on Jan. 24. (Russian Defense Ministry Press Service/AP)
7 min

When Russian troops first streamed across the Belarusian border into Ukraine for what they had assumed would be a lightning assault on Kyiv, they were intending to rely on the region’s extensive rail network for supplies and reinforcements.

The Russians hadn’t taken into account the railway saboteurs of Belarus.

Starting in the earliest days of the invasion in February, a clandestine network of railway workers, hackers and dissident security forces went into action to disable or disrupt the railway links connecting Russia to Ukraine through Belarus, wreaking havoc on Russian supply lines.