Democracy Dies in Darkness

Trump dreamt of a ‘Huawei killer.’ Biden is trying to unleash it.

The Biden administration has committed more than $1.5 billion to try to persuade the world to use a technology that might allow American businesses back into the telecommunications equipment race

February 12, 2024 at 6:00 a.m. EST
Biden and Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. announced the creation of an Open RAN 5G interoperability lab in Manila during Marcos's visit to Washington in May. (Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)
12 min

As President Biden met with heads of state around the world these past couple of years, he’s been repeating a curious phrase.

“Open RAN.”

This obscure technology for cellular towers — which the Brookings Institution once dubbed the “Huawei killer” — is Washington’s anointed champion to try to unseat Chinese tech giant Huawei Technologies from its throne as the largest supplier of the “pipes” that carry the world’s internet data and phone calls.