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How did life on Earth begin? The chemical puzzle just became clearer.

February 29, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. EST
Scientists have successfully created one of life’s complex ingredients, pantetheine, critical for metabolism in all living cells, from scratch. This lab experiment brings us one step closer to learning how lifeless molecules produced living and breathing organisms, from single-celled algae (shown here) to people. (Hakan Kvarnstrom/Science Photo Library)
6 min

People have long scratched their heads trying to understand how life ever got going after the formation of Earth billions of years ago. Now, chemists have partly unlocked the recipe by creating a complex compound essential to all life — in a lab.

Like making the ingredients of a cake, researchers have successfully created a compound critical for metabolism in all living cells, which is essential for energy production and regulation. The pathway, which has evaded scientists for decades, involved relatively simple molecules probably present on early Earth that combined at room temperature over months.