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Scientists warn invasive pests are taking a staggering toll on society

The authors of a major new U.N.-backed report say invasive species are costing the world more than $423 billion a year

Updated September 4, 2023 at 1:45 p.m. EDT|Published September 4, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
A lionfish (pterois volitans) in an aquarium in Switzerland. (Georgios Kefalas/Keystone)
6 min

Invasive pests are wreaking havoc across the planet, destroying crops, disseminating pathogens, depleting fish people rely on for food and driving native plants and animals toward extinction, according to a major report backed by the United Nations.

The landmark assessment found more than 3,500 harmful invasive species cost society more than $423 billion a year, a tally only expected to grow as the modern age of global trade and travel continues to supercharge the spread of plants and animals across continents like never before.