An illustration of several people's hands at a cafe, drinking coffee. One of the hands is holding several spoons.

Spoon theory: What it is and how I use it to manage chronic illness

Each spoon represents a finite unit of energy; people with chronic illnesses have to ration them just to get through the day

Perspective by
January 14, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
(Lara Antal for The Washington Post)
1 min

Illustrations by Lara Antal

In the chronic illness and disability world, there’s something called “spoon theory.” Writer Christine Miserandino started it while explaining to a friend what chronic illness feels like, and grabbed a handful of spoons to make her point.

In the theory, each spoon represents a finite unit of energy. Healthy people may have an unlimited supply of spoons, but people with chronic illnesses have to ration them just to get through the day.