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For covid long-haulers, the pandemic is far from over

The end of the public health emergency leaves many fearful they will be forgotten

May 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Advocates for people with long covid install hundreds of red cots on the National Mall in May proclaiming, “Still here, still sick.” (Sarah Silbiger/Bloomberg News)
11 min

Ever since January, when President Biden announced plans for a springtime end to the coronavirus public health emergency, Frank Ziegler has been wrestling with what that would mean for covid long-haulers like him.

“The president was telling the U.S. to just move on. The problem is that for however many million of us, we can’t just move on,” said the Nashville attorney, who has endured cognitive impairments since coming down with covid-19 more than two years ago.