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Quit or pay: What to do when you run out of free Google storage

All good things must end, and free Google storage ends at 15 GB

October 28, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
Google started counting new photos and videos toward the 15-gigabyte free storage limit for each Google account in June. Here’s what to do if your inbox, photos or Drive is pushing you over the edge. (Washington Post illustration)
7 min

J.P. McDade has been getting an alarming message at the top of his Gmail inbox: The free storage that came with his Google account is almost used up, and he’s not sure where things went wrong.

“All I did was receive emails, and now I’m dangerously close to not being able to receive them anymore,” says McDade, a writer and comedian based in New York City who has been using the free email service from Alphabet’s Google for about 10 years.