Democracy Dies in Darkness

Want a well-trained dog? Start with a better-trained human.

Some dog researchers are rethinking the goals of obedience training, which should include listening, a strong parenting style and collaboration with your dog

January 27, 2023 at 12:42 p.m. EST
A photo illustration that shows a photo repeated three times on a pink background. It is a vintage black and white photo of a man carrying a red fire hydrant and walking a basset hound.
(Illustration by Chelsea Conrad/The Washington Post; Tom Kelly Archive/Getty images; )
8 min

I flunked obedience class. The last time this happened, I said my dog flunked the class. But I am older and wiser and I know now where the real fault lies.

Of course the dog can make a difference. Some dogs are easier to train. And professional trainers look for breeds that have a good track record and individual dogs that respond well to the training game. But for most of us who have pets, we love — and try to train — the one we’re with.