The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

She’s made 1,750 Wikipedia bios for female scientists who haven’t gotten their due

‘Not only do we not have enough women in science, but we aren’t doing enough to celebrate the ones we have,’ said physicist Jess Wade.

October 17, 2022 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Jess Wade, 33, a British physicist, spends her spare time writing Wikipedia biographies for women and minority scientists. (Courtesy of Jess Wade)
7 min

On a whim, Jess Wade typed out her first Wikipedia page five years ago. It was a biography of Kim Cobb, an American climatologist who — despite earning several scientific accolades — had never been written about on the popular online encyclopedia.

“I met her at a science event, and I was massively impressed,” said Wade, 33, a British physicist, who, after a quick search online, was stunned to see that Cobb had no profile on the public platform.