The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The challenge of caring for women’s hearts

Women, who are stereotyped as more emotional, are less likely to receive appropriate testing for heart-related conditions.

March 6, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EST
An illustration shows a side-by-side comparison of a man and a woman in their respective hospital beds. They both look concerned as they gaze to either side of the panel.
(Shirlene Obuobi for The Washington Post)
7 min

Before the worst week of her life, my patient was relatively healthy. She enjoyed a robust social life and was an active participant in her church, which she and her husband attended twice weekly — until he died suddenly.

A few days later, I met her in the emergency department.

The grief, shock and financial stressors were enough to leave anyone feeling unwell, but her symptoms had become unbearable: chest pain, shortness of breath, lightheadedness. Fearing for her life, she called for an ambulance.