Democracy Dies in Darkness

Lost in self-doubt? Here’s how to succeed despite impostor syndrome.

Impostor syndrome describes self-doubt, which afflicts many people. By being psychologically flexible, however, we can overcome these feelings.

Advice by
October 6, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
An illustration of a woman walking out from the shadow created by a wooden cutout version of herself.
(Celia Jacobs for The Washington Post)
7 min

As a therapist, I meet many accomplished individuals who doubt their success despite evidence to the contrary.

They believe a promotion was achieved by luck, an acceptance was because of affirmative action or a standing ovation was the audience being nice. They worry their felt lack of competence will soon be discovered, and they will be outed as frauds. Commonly known as impostor syndrome, this phenomenon can undermine ambition and lead to stagnation or result in overworking to prove competence.