The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Meet Howdy Doody, the steer who rides shotgun in his owner’s car

September 1, 2023 at 12:20 a.m. EDT
Lee Meyer was pulled over in Nebraska on Aug. 30 for driving with his 2,200-pound steer in the passenger seat of his car. (Video: The Washington Post)
4 min

On Wednesday morning, Capt. Chad Reiman was sitting in his Norfolk, Neb., office when he heard radio traffic that immediately piqued his interest. There was a report about a car driving through the city’s downtown area with a cow inside of it.

Reiman “just had to see it for myself because it seemed so unusual,” he told The Washington Post. He drove to the scene, where he found a fully grown, black-and-white-dappled steer with long protruding horns riding shotgun in his owner’s modified Ford Crown Victoria sedan.