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NASA’s Mars helicopter was supposed to fly five times. It’s flown 28.

The little helicopter that could has exceeded all expectations. But now, as the Martian winter sets in, its future is uncertain.

May 13, 2022 at 7:00 a.m. EDT
Members of NASA's Ingenuity program shared the full video of the successful flight of the helicopter on the surface of Mars on April 19. (Video: NASA TV)
9 min

If it flew, and that was very much a big if, the little helicopter would take to the skies on Mars five times — max — over a period of 31 days.

But over the past year, the plucky little helicopter known as Ingenuity has taken to the Martian skies 28 times, far exceeding expectations and giving scientists a new vantage point on the Red Planet. Over the past 13 months, it has stayed aloft in total for nearly an hour, traveling nearly 4.3 miles, with a max speed of 12.3 mph and reaching a top altitude of 39 feet.