The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Judge rules Trump lawyers don’t have to clarify Mar-a-Lago document claims

Special master Raymond Dearie had told Donald Trump’s attorneys to address whether documents were, as Trump has claimed, planted or declassified

September 29, 2022 at 5:36 p.m. EDT
STILL FROM VIDEO: Judge Aileen Cannon is seen in a still image from a video interview during a nomination hearing on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. (Committee on the Judiciary)
4 min

Judge Aileen M. Cannon told Donald Trump’s lawyers Thursday that they did not need to comply with an order from special master Raymond J. Dearie and state in a court filing whether they believe FBI agents lied about documents seized from the former president’s Florida residence.

Thursday’s ruling was the first clash between Cannon, a Trump appointee who has generally shown the former president deference in litigation over the Mar-a-Lago investigation, and Dearie, a federal judge she appointed as an outside expert in the case, who appears to be far more skeptical of Trump.