The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Amtrak’s faster, higher-tech Acela trains are delayed again

Pandemic challenges, need for more testing will put their debut 2½ years behind schedule

April 13, 2022 at 9:25 a.m. EDT
A prototype next-generation Acela train pulls into D.C.'s Union Station during testing in 2020. (Katherine Frey/The Washington Post)
6 min

The debut of train sets intended to replace Amtrak’s Acela fleet will be delayed another 18 months, according to the passenger rail service, citing “rigorous” testing requirements to operate the high-speed technology for the first time in the United States.

The 28 Avelia Liberty high-speed trains, from the French manufacturer Alstom, are now slated to enter service in fall 2023, 2½ years behind schedule. The new train cars, modeled after trains that are in operation across Europe, are being assembled in a facility in Hornell, N.Y.