Democracy Dies in Darkness

Schools nationwide are quietly removing books from their libraries

Meet the librarians fighting bans and scrambling to preserve children’s freedom to read

March 22, 2022 at 9:54 a.m. EDT
Samantha Hull holds three books that were removed without notice from a school in Lancaster County, Pa. (Kyle Grantham for The Washington Post)
17 min

LANCASTER, Pa. — Samantha Hull was on vacation when she got the call about the missing books.

Eight titles had melted away seemingly overnight, a panicked school aide told Hull, from the shelves of an elementary school in one of the 22 districts Hull oversees as co-chair of a group representing school librarians in Pennsylvania’s Lancaster and Lebanon counties. The books included titles such as “In My Mosque,” which instructs children about Islam; “A Place Inside of Me,” which explores a Black student’s reckoning with a police shooting; and “When Aidan Became a Brother,” whose main character is a transgender boy.