Democracy Dies in Darkness

The flawed math behind Elon Musk’s Twitter deal

An overleveraged billionaire’s bid for an overvalued company may signal the last gasp in an age of magical thinking about markets

Perspective by
May 2, 2022 at 9:04 a.m. EDT
Elon Musk is the world’s “richest” person, at least on paper, but his $44 billion bid for Twitter may be a stretch even for him. (Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)
11 min

A cocky, publicity-seeking libertarian billionaire bets virtually all of his stock in his overvalued electric car company to finance a highly leveraged, $44 billion hostile takeover of an overvalued, money-losing social media platform, on which he boasts 84 million followers.

It’s hard to imagine a megadeal that better captures the absurdity of the era in American finance than Elon Musk’s ploy for Twitter.