Democracy Dies in Darkness

Style Conversational Week 1508: One hundred tiles= Loser hunt? Indeed!

The Empress of The Style Invitational on this week’s 100-Scrabble-tile results and a new neologism contest

Chris Doyle's winner of Style Invitational Week 1504, which asked readers to write something using all 100 Scrabble tiles. You can make your own GIF at (Animation by Dave Cohen with the tool at

*The headline above was a non-inking entry by Chris Doyle for Week 1504 (I used another one he wrote)

The moment I heard about a thing called, variously, Scrabblegrams and Scrabble tableaux — writing something that uses all 100 Scrabble tiles — I knew that it would provide amazing results in a Style Invitational contest: After all, past Invites have featured readable, clever, even funny anagrams of everything from people’s names to the entire Gettysburg Address.