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Coronavirus cases spike in Italy, China says most new infections limited to Hubei, South Korea declares ‘red alert’

February 23, 2020 at 10:20 p.m. EST
Workers wearing protective gear spray disinfectant at a market in the South Korean city of Daegu on Sunday. (Yonhap/AFP/Getty Images)

The latest figures from China suggest that the novel coronavirus outbreak remains worst in locked-down Hubei province, where 398 new cases and 149 more deaths were reported early Monday.

Outside China, the outbreak continued to spread. South Korea said Sunday that it was raising its national threat level to “red alert,” the highest, as 169 new cases were confirmed Sunday and an additional 161 on Monday — making the country the most infected entity outside mainland China. In Italy, the number of cases spiked to 152, the largest number outside Asia.