Democracy Dies in Darkness

The USMCA is finally done. Here’s what is in it.

December 10, 2019 at 5:13 p.m. EST
House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) describes the "intense, argumentative, angry negotiations" that led to agreement on the USMCA. (Video: The Washington Post)

President Trump notched his first major win on trade Tuesday after Democrats signed off on a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico.

So what exactly does the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (a.k.a. USMCA) change?

In short, this is “NAFTA 2.0.” The agreement updates the North American Free Trade Agreement, the 1994 pact that governs more than $1.2 trillion worth of trade among the three nations, for the 21st century. There are a lot more rules in the USMCA on intellectual property and data, as well as labor and environmental protections.