The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Roberta McCain was a woman who never slowed down

October 13, 2020 at 4:11 p.m. EDT
A McCain family portrait from around 1951. (Family photo)

Greta Van Susteren is anchor of Gray TV’s “Full Court Press” and Voice of America’s “Plugged In.”

About 14 years ago, I discovered a best friend. We hadn’t gone to grade school together or shared a college dorm room, and we were decades apart in age. We met in a chance encounter outside a bus, a campaign bus to be exact, where she was holding court among a knot of (much younger) reporters. The bus was called the “Straight Talk Express,” and before she said even a few sentences, it was plain to see where John S. McCain III got that straight talk. It was genetic.