The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Biden’s economic team set to prepare ambitious recovery plan, challenging Republicans’ renewed debt worries

Era of low interest rates prompts rethinking of debt and deficit policies

December 2, 2020 at 11:01 a.m. EST
President-elect Joe Biden formally introduced his economic team on Dec. 1, vowing to make economic recovery from the coronavirus accessible for everyone. (Video: The Washington Post, Photo: Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post)

President-elect Joe Biden’s choice of economic advisers highlights a commitment to spend whatever is needed to restore a full-employment economy, setting up a clash with Senate Republicans who are sounding alarms over a national debt they helped President Trump increase by nearly $7 trillion.

As the economic recovery shows signs of faltering amid rising coronavirus caseloads, even members of Biden’s economic team who have called rising government debt a problem support a generous new rescue package. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen, a deficit hawk Biden picked for treasury secretary, said earlier this year that the United States could afford new borrowing to help a wounded economy and would save money in the long run by preventing lasting damage to the labor market.