Democracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion The Nancy Pelosi photo is a Rorschach test for an America cleaved into two

Editorial Writer|
October 17, 2019 at 5:21 p.m. EDT
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) spoke to reporters Oct. 17 about a White House meeting that ended with a walkout. (Video: Reuters)

Nevertheless, she pointed.

President Trump tweeted an image of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) standing at a West Wing table Wednesday night, finger extended. “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” he declared.

Pelosi, as it turned out, had nerve to spare. She made the image her Twitter cover photo almost immediately — and progressives gleefully spread it around the Web and set it as their phone backgrounds, as a sign not of the House speaker’s meltdown but of the commander in chief’s own crackup. We’ll probably see it on T-shirts soon.