The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

White House drafting sanctions order to punish foreign interference in U.S. elections

August 8, 2018 at 6:41 p.m. EDT
President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, at their July news conference in Helsinki. (Grigory Dukor/Reuters)

The White House is drafting an executive order that would authorize President Trump to sanction foreigners who interfere in U.S. elections, the administration’s latest effort to demonstrate it is serious about combating Russian disinformation and hacking.

The eight-page draft order, a copy of which was reviewed by The Washington Post, appears to be an effort to stave off aggressive legislation, including a bill introduced in Congress this month — and to quell criticism that Trump seems to give more credence to Russian President Vladi­mir Putin’s denials of interference than to U.S. intelligence agencies’ conclusion that the Kremlin sought to undermine the 2016 election.