The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

No more green tea, vaping or drinks ending in ‘-ccino,’ Mormon Church tells members

August 16, 2019 at 7:22 p.m. EDT
After Mitt Romney, a prominent member of the Mormon Church, attracted attention in 2012 for drinking Diet Coke, the church clarified that it has no rule against caffeine. (Rick Bowmer/AP)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wants to make clear that vaping, green tea and fancy coffee drinks are off limits under the religion’s dietary code meant to keep members from consuming unhealthy substances.

Church leaders on Thursday pointed to a recent article in New Era, the church’s magazine for young people, reminding them that the Word of Wisdom prohibits “hot drinks” — understood to mean tea and coffee — and harmful or habit-forming substances. E-cigarettes are highly addictive, “iced tea is still tea,” and any drink ending in “-ccino” probably has coffee and therefore breaks the rules, the church wrote.