The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Using grab bag of arguments, Republicans stick together against impeachment

November 19, 2019 at 3:11 p.m. EST
Over the past four months, congressional Republicans have floated no fewer than 30 different defenses of President Trump’s actions on Ukraine. (Video: The Washington Post)

They’ve called the testimony “secondhand information” and “hearsay.” They’ve defended the president’s right to investigate corruption abroad. They’ve raised questions about the anonymous whistleblower who started the probe. They’ve argued that nothing ultimately happened. And, over and over, they’ve attacked the process.

Republicans battling the potential impeachment of President Trump have flitted among a multitude of shifting — and, at times, contradictory — defenses and deflections as they seek to cast doubt on a narrative supported by mounting evidence: that Trump subverted U.S. foreign policy to further his personal aims by pressuring Ukraine to launch politically motivated investigations, using hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid as leverage.