Democracy Dies in Darkness

Trump signs USMCA, revamping North American trade rules

After fulfilling key campaign promise, president celebrates new pact without Democrats who helped pass it

January 29, 2020 at 1:23 p.m. EST
President Trump hosted a ceremony at the White House on Jan. 29 to sign implementing legislation for a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada. (Video: The Washington Post)

President Trump signed a revamped trade agreement with Canada and Mexico into law Wednesday, fulfilling his pledge to rework the North American Free Trade Agreement even as he contends with the Senate impeachment trial.

The revised treaty, called the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), creates new environmental and labor standards for the countries, while also giving farmers greater access to Canadian markets and ensuring car companies have to use a higher share of North American parts in their production, among other changes.