The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Former city council candidate arrested after man is shot at New Mexico protest with militia group

June 16, 2020 at 9:07 p.m. EDT
A man was shot during a protest in Albuquerque on June 15 while a crowd attempted to pull down a statue of conquistador Juan de Oñate. (Video: The Washington Post, Photo: Adolphe Pierre-Louis/AP/The Washington Post)

Police in Albuquerque on Tuesday announced they had arrested a former city council candidate who they say shot and wounded a man at a protest that grew contentious as demonstrators clashed with a militia group.

The Monday night episode — which erupted after a crowd tried to tear down a monument to Spanish conquistador Juan de Oñate — appeared to reflect a phenomenon that federal and state officials have long warned about: Protests over racial injustice, such as the ones currently roiling American cities, can draw a medley of fringe actors or groups with their own ideological agendas.