Democracy Dies in Darkness

Style Conversational Week 1484: That’s what YOU said

The Empress of The Style Invitational discusses this week’s double-entendre contest and fake-definition winners

What could be said both among Style Invitational Losers and in bed? Ward Kay's joke served an example for Week 1336 in 2019. This week's Style Invitational asks for more double-entendres. (See below to find out how to grab your own personal Staake.)

Happy Springtime Religious Festival Weekend!

Ha, I went to check if “kosher Easter Bunny” was a Googlenope. Nope! 1.5 million hits, and direct links to pages like this one.

So this week, in Style Invitational Week 1484, I decided to give a second go-round to a contest from three years ago that had truly classic results. It had its genesis in our laugh-a-minute [citation needed] Style Invitational Devotees group, to which 36.2 percent of all Facebook users have attributed as their main reason for not quitting the platform. My co-admin in the group, the fabulous and beloved Ms. Alex Blackwood — posited the following pressing question to the membership: “What’s something that could be said both among the Losers and during sex?” One hundred twenty-four answers later, Alex messaged me to check out the comments thread. I immediately scheduled a contest, Week 1336, using these Devotees’ posts as examples: