Democracy Dies in Darkness

Style Conversational Week 1475: Getting past ‘Scalp ’em, stomp ’em’

The Empress of The Style Invitational on this week’s contest for a funny Commanders song or cheer

When the Team Was Better quarterback Joe Theismann huddles with some attentive mannequins wearing the uniforms for the newly named Washington Commanders. This week, The Style Invitational invites you to give their fans something to sing about. (Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)

“Braves on the warpath” — can you believe that’s what millions of Washingtonians were singing with gusto just a few years ago?

Finally, our city’s NFL Team is no longer the Washington Racial Slurs, and no longer the Washington Generic Name; it’s now the Washington Commanders. (I guess that’s because The Style Invitational already had dibs on “The Losers.”) Okay, whatever.