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Style Conversational Week: Working out ‘gymgerly’

The Style Invitational Empress on this week’s contest, results and cartoon

Bob Staake's first draft to illustrate the neologism “gymgerly,” referring to the abundance of caution used by people returning to the newly reopened gym.

It was certainly eye-catching, drawing the reader into the picture.

I’d sent The Style Invitational’s almost-forever illustrator, Bob Staake, the three neologisms that Loser Duncan Stevens had supplied for the contest he suggested and became Week 1391, for neologisms without a C, O, V, I or D (though Duncan had slyly defined all three in terms of the pandemic). It seemed to me that “gymgerly” — how one handles the equipment at the newly reopened Planet Fitness — lent itself most to a cartoon, and Bob agreed, sending me the sketch above.