The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Anything Trump tweets can be (and just was) used against him in a court of law

Analysis by
Staff writer
June 12, 2017 at 3:31 p.m. EDT
The Supreme Court is allowing a limited version of President Trump's travel ban to take effect as it gears up to hear the case in the fall. (Video: Jenny Starrs/The Washington Post, Photo: Jonathan Newton/The Washington Post)

President Trump has made very clear that he's going to tweet what's on his mind, even if it makes his life harder. And now we have an example of that exact thing happening — on one of his top priorities, no less: his beleaguered travel ban.

Trump went on a Twitter tear last week about the ban and why it should be tougher and how he doesn't trust the courts to make the right decision. Much of what he said completely undermined his administration's legal argument. And one very powerful court was listening.