The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

President Trump is losing his war with James B. Comey

Analysis by
Staff writer
June 23, 2017 at 2:22 p.m. EDT
Since President Trump fired the FBI director, both men have shared conflicting accounts of their relationship. The Fact Checker breaks it down. (Video: Meg Kelly/The Washington Post, Photo: Matt McClain/The Washington Post)

President Trump effectively declared war on James B. Comey six weeks ago when he tweeted suggesting there might be tapes of their White House conversations.

Trump is losing that war.

The big headline on some newly released NBC News/Wall Street Journal polling data is that twice as many Americans believe former FBI director Comey as believe Trump when it comes to their accounts of Comey's firing last month. While 45 percent trust Comey more, just 22 percent trust Trump more, and another 21 percent trust neither. (And 8 percent trust both, which is an interesting/nonsensical position to take!)