Democracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Trump is now attacking all the institutions that could limit his power later

February 7, 2017 at 9:53 a.m. EST
A federal judge in Seattle on Feb. 3 temporarily blocked the enforcement of President Trump’s travel ban. Here’s what you need to know about the judge’s ruling. (Video: Natalie Jennings, Bastien Inzaurralde, Alice Li/The Washington Post, Photo: Susan Walsh/The Washington Post)


President Trump’s immigration ban faces a crucial legal test later Tuesday, when an appeals court is set to hold a hearing to decide whether to lift a lower court’s decision to place a hold on it. Judging by his multiple tweets attacking the judiciary for placing a temporary hold on his ban, Trump is trying to pressure the courts into restoring and upholding it, while simultaneously laying the groundwork for possible defeat by explicitly stating that any terrorist attacks that happen later should be blamed on the judges who rule against it.