The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion Trump campaign: We will … won’t … will … won’t … will … won’t make an issue of Bill’s sex life

September 28, 2016 at 4:04 p.m. EDT
(Getty Images)

Everyone is having a good laugh because Eric Trump claimed today that his pops showed “courage” and a level of moral fortitude that he’ll “always remember” in refraining from bringing up Bill Clinton’s infidelities on the debate stage. Per Buzzfeed:

“I mean, he very well could’ve looked down — and he said it when he came off the debate stage, ‘I wasn’t gonna respond to that question because I saw Chelsea in the front row and I just wasn’t gonna go there out of respect for her,’” the younger son of the Republican nominee told host Simon Conway of 1040 WHO Iowa radio. “And that was a big moment for me and probably will actually become, my life and this campaign, and probably will be something I’ll always remember.”
He continued, “I mean, he really took the high ground where he had the opportunity to go very, very low. And I’m proud of him for doing that. I mean, I’m really proud of him for doing that. And I think people recognize that. I mean, there are a lot of people who came up to me, including many in the media, who said listen, he could’ve just crushed her on that last question. And he would’ve probably hurt a family if he did.
“I don’t know, I think that took a lot of courage in so many regards and I think he really answered that well and took the high ground and kept the high road.”

Trump himself told CNN just after the debate that he held back on Bill out of “respect for Chelsea Clinton.” But in the very same CNN interview, Trump suggested he might go hard at Bill’s past at the next debate. Meanwhile, Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway also said after the debate that he had refrained from going there because he opted to be “polite and a gentleman.” Yet in the next breath, Conway said he had been “prepared” to attack on this front, which presumably means that, you know, he had been planning to do so. And top Trump surrogate Rudy Giuliani subsequently said that Trump should have done so.