The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Comey says Trump ‘morally unfit to be president,’ possibly susceptible to Russian blackmail

April 15, 2018 at 11:36 p.m. EDT
Former FBI director James B. Comey called President Trump “morally unfit” during his first TV interview since being fired. Watch all the highlights. (Video: Amber Ferguson/The Washington Post)

Former FBI director James B. Comey said in his first televised interview since being fired that he believed Donald Trump was “morally unfit to be president” and that it was “possible” that the Russians had material that could be used to blackmail him.

In a wide-ranging conversation with George Stephanopoulos broadcast on ABC late Sunday, Comey took aim at Trump in no uncertain terms, comparing his administration to a mafia family, likening his presidency to a forest fire and asserting there was evidence that he had committed a crime.